Pacific Dance NZ invites Expressions of Interest from dancers and choreographers who wish to take part in the 2017 Pacific Dance Festival in Auckland.

This festival is an exciting opportunity to be part of a unique dance event focused on profiling and promoting contemporary Pacific dance in Aotearoa.

The dance festival launched its inaugural season at the Mangere Arts Centre in June 2016 where a number of exceptional Pacific dance artistes performed a range of innovative performance works.

The 2016 festival included works from: Tupua Tigafua, Leki Bourke, Hadleigh Pouesi, Jahra Wasasala, Nikki Upoko, Katerina Fatupaito with special guest performance by Julia Mage'au Gray and Le Moana.

Pacific Dance NZ hopes to offer just as exciting performance works for the 2017 season of the festival and is proud to offer this opportunity to Pacific dance practitioners.

Dates you need to know:

EOI open for submission - 30 November 2016

EOI due date - 27 January 2017 at 3pm

Inform artists – 10 February 2017

Performance Season – 13 to 24 June 2017

Please submit:

1. A brief CV highlighting your performance or arts achievements

2. A brief description of your work, including why you would like to stage it at the Pacific Dance Festival 2017

3. An indication of the number of dancers involved and or any other staging requirements.

4. Support material i.e. links or footage of the proposed work.

Please send your EOI’s to Cilla at call 09 376 00 60.

Подробная информация на сайте: Scoop

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Сегодня: 13.03.2025 г.
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