The Victorian Dance Festival. 17th - 19th March 2017. This year we look to Melbourne.

Create a sense of community within the Australian Dance Industry.

Provide access to the highest quality of choreographers & instructors for Australian dancers.

Encourage movement, artistic expression & creativity in Victorian youth.

Provide an all inclusive & nurturing enviroment where students can learn, express & make connections.

The Victorian Dance Festival is so much more than just a festival, the environment that is created by the VDF team across the entire weekend is an all-inclusive celebration of the wonderful world of dance.

Providing an uncompetitive environment suited for all ages from little ones through to grandparents to experience. There is so much to to see, participate and enjoy and the energy created by the wonderful participants is something to marvel and to inspire all who attend.

Inspiration fuels motivation, and motivation in our world is golden. Everyone who attends finds not one inspiration but an overflowing amount of incredible experiences they will take with them forever them and inspire them not to be just better dancers, but to become the best version of them self possible, in all aspects of their life. 

This is your chance to market and promote your dance business/company at one of the largest dance events in Australia. The Victorian Dance Festival has many packages to suit all business budgets and needs.

VDF prides itself on developing strong partnerships with businesses and organisations of all sizes and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

Simply email to receive your VDF17 prospectus.

Partner, Advertise or Volunteer, the opportunities are endless.

The Victorian Dance Festival is an all ages, all inclusive dance event aimed at engaging the wider community with the art of dance.

Подробная информация на сайте: VIC dance festival

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Сегодня: 13.03.2025 г.
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