Vancouver International Dance Festival | VIDF March 1 – 25, 2017

The VIDF has played a pivotal role in developing audiences for dance in Vancouver and in supporting local and touring dance artists. We will have presented 242 dance companies and artists in our 16 year history. Most of the national and international dance artists that we have presented were previously unknown to Vancouver audiences. Through our presentations we provide artists from BC and elsewhere, with opportunities to become known to the Vancouver market and because our philosophy is to build artist/audience relationships, we will bring artists back for repeat engagements.

Because our programming is often of artists who perform challenging work and who are unknown to Vancouver audiences, we serve a vital role in enriching the palate of dance appreciation in our city.

The VIDF presents a broad spectrum of dance presentation ranging from the slow introspection of butoh to the dynamic precision of ballet. We have mixed street dance b-boys with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra in works that surprise and challenge our audiences. International enfants terribles like Jérôme Bel from France and Thomas Lehman from Germany along with butoh legends, including Yoshito Ohno, Natsu Nakajima, Koichi Tamano, and Akaji Maro have graced our stages. Prominent international artists such as Black Grace (New Zealand), Alonzo King LINES Ballet (San Francisco), Israel Galván (Spain), and Dairakudakan (Japan) have been presented by the VIDF alongside major Canadian companies including Toronto Dance Theatre, Margie Gillis, Montreal Danse/ Créations Estelle Clareton, and Cie Virginie Brunelle.

We have presented almost all of Vancouver’s professional dance community including EDAM, Mascall Dance, Kokoro Dance, 605 Collective, Out Innerspace, among many others.

Подробная информация на сайте: VIDF

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Сегодня: 13.03.2025 г.
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