9th Fuerteventura Contact Improvisation Festival 4.-10.3.2017

*Contact Camp* 26.2.-14.3.2017
Pre Festival Workshop 2.+3.3.2017

This festival celebrates our CI community. In the middle of European winter, we will share dance and quality time together in a warm and sunny climate!

It is about Dancing Bodies & Dancing Places: Arriving in body-time, listening, sensing space, the emptiness and vastness inside and outside. Allowing yourself to sink into the volcano, learn from the island of Fuerteventura itself, meeting place, expanding the mind, and opening the body.

In the precision of the studio inside, - and outside with wind, sand, stone and water, the very experience itself - we will listen. We will study the forces of gravity in the focus of the studio as well as taking the exploration into different elements and onto different surfaces. Each re-informing the body and nourishing our dance and our souls.

There will be Contact Improvisation workshops, focused & open jamming, site specific dancing (sand dunes, volcanoes, beaches, lagoons, ocean waves), and lots & lots of spaciousness to just be.

Our vision is to create a sense of play within the group, inviting involvement and creativity. Supporting each of us to follow our interests, ideas, needs and curiosities.

Teachers 2017:
Alyssa Lynes (ES/USA), Bastien Auber (FR), Elske Seidel (GER), Daniel Werner (GER), Gabi Neumann (GER), Nadja Schwarzenbach (GER), Roland Mokshia Frenzel (ES/GER), Jo Bruhn (GER), Kabiro Eva Scheller (GER)

420-360 € (depending on your income/financial resources, self-assessment) for one week of festival, including all workshops, jams, food and housing (festival hostel or own tent). We have a lower special price for local people.
*Contact Camp* before and after the festival (9-10 €/ night) with individual or/ and community cooking. Join us whenever you can!

For cheap flights and our car sharing system please check our website! This year flights seem to be quite cheap!

Pre Festival Workshop: 2.+3.3.2017 with Elske Seidel, Daniel Werner & Gabi Neumann
'Contact Improvisation Training: Tools & Toys for all levels - Systematic, Somatic, Playful'

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Сегодня: 15.02.2025 г.
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