Статус: фестиваль
Номер события: 1
Жанр: Смешанный
Дата проведения: 20.07.2016
Место проведения: Czech Republic, Ostrava
Стоимость (с человека): Бесплатно, в стоимость входит: 0
Описание: The Shakespeare Festival at the Silesian-Moravian Castle is a festival which is a part of a large Czech-Slovak project called The Summer Shakespeare Festival. It has been held each summer (for the past 9 years) in Prague (CZ), Brno (CZ), Bratislava (SK),and it was also introduced to the public in Ostrava (CZ) and Kosice (SK) in 2008. Here, in Ostrava, the festival is produced by PaS de Theatre s.r.o. company. It is the largest dramatic festival in the City of Ostrava and in the Moravian-Silesian region itself. Since 2008, the festival has been visited by about 40,000 visitors. It was a strong success, no free tickets left. We have also had the honour to bring The Krakow Theatre (Poland) with Mr Jerzy Stuhr performing “Richard III”. on two nights, “As you like it” by JAY production (Slovakia), “The tempest” (Schok – Prague) and “The comedy of errors” (PaS de Theatre – Ostrava). It is an advantage of the region, being so close to the borders of Poland and Slovakia, that we can attract performers from those countries and interested visitors. As a continuous part of the festival, the organiser – PaS de Theatre – produces its own plays specifically for the purpose of the festival. We always use local artists or artists connected to the region. Our goal is to promote the local artistic community elsewhere – at the moment we always perform in Brno (CZ), Prague (CZ), Bratislava (SK) – and we hope to develop this further and perform at other festivals – if possible.
Организатор: Международный Шекспировский фестиваль
Участники: все, возраст участников от 0 до 99 лет
Номинации: нет
Контакты: тел.: +42 0733724192, факс: нет,