Статус: фестиваль
Номер события: 1
Жанр: Инструментальный
Дата проведения: 24.07.2017
Место проведения: Denmark, Roskilde
Стоимость (с человека): Бесплатно, в стоимость входит: 0
Описание: The arts and music programmes are primarily organised by the festival on the basis of research conducted by our curators/music programmers. However, it is possible to submit suggestions for the programme by 31 December at the latest. Submitted suggestions will be processed when received. Please notice, only projects/artists to be considered relevant for the coming festival will hear from us. If you haven't heard from us by the end of January, your suggestion is not among those we will include in the programme. Each year we are approached by a large amount of artists and have limited space for incoming suggestions; there is only a slim chance of being taken into consideration for Roskilde Festival.
Организатор: Roskilde festival
Участники: все, возраст участников от 0 до 99 лет
Номинации: музыка
Контакты: тел.: (+45) 46 36 66 13, факс: (+45) 46 32 14 99, перейти на сайт события
На данное событие нельзя заполнить заявку, так как истек срок его проведения.
Просмотров: 1876 | Переходов: 1 | Версия для печати
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